Online Reading Communities Are More Than Websites
We Are The Libraries Of Today

Our Story

AboutUs Cove Picture
Our primary goal is to get people interested in reading and self-improvement. We live in haste, and there is a lack of time that we can spend exclusively on ourselves. Nevertheless, if we don’t get the time to unwind, relax and work on our inner world, we won’t be proactive and efficient in our everyday life.
Creating an excellent digital library is not an easy project. The books are getting published each day; so choosing the best among them, the ones that have the undisputed value, are fresh, relevant and keep the attention of the readers, certainly was a huge task. We believe that we succeeded in collecting the most popular, re-readable titles, creating a unique online library that will host many book lovers. Each member makes our community a better place and helps our idea grow further, and you are more than welcome here.
" That's the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet. "― Jhumpa Lahiri